S A L U D!
Get an inaugural hard copy of our new Salud Magazine from Texas Toast Guitars. Get to know...and stay in the know... all the things that create our Texas Toast vibe. This high quality book is filled with photos, articles, interviews and info that will take you inside the shop, to the people and places that make up Texas Toast Guitars. We're already underway for the next quarterly publication with even more content, tips, tricks and entertainment, and we'd love for you to take a look.
You can purchase the physical magazine for $30, shipped and/or you can also subscribe to the online flipbook for $10/issue or $20 for the four quarterly mags as a subscription. We have partnered with a company to get the online version out to you seamlessly, so go ahead and click the link to create that account with Issuu, and you can pay by credit card there.
We're excited to get this out - our Texas "Toast", to YOU! SALUD!